Murder Day 5

I can’t believe that this is the fifth Murder Day that we have done and it went like clockwork. We ran it on the same lines as last year. The Physicists had to work out where the gun was fired from and how long it took the assassin to exit the car park. The Biologists had to identify poisonous leaves and cross reference their findings with pathologist and doctor’s reports. DSCF0148 The Forensics teams took pictures, identified sources of blood. The Psychologists did some profiling and then interviewed the suspects and the Lawyers represented the suspects at the interviews.DSCF0163 It all ended with a court scene, where various people were called as expert witnesses. This part worked particularly well this time as the experts really represented what they did and their findings with confidence. There were two key changes this year. The English students did a documentary and also produced a tabloid, a broadsheet and a twitter feed. Also the Sociologists learned about environmental factors that encourage crime and built crime-ridden estates out of boxes. We also had a couple of guest speakers; including a prison psychologist. The feedback from the students was very good. They apparently loved it. It was great to see quieter students taking lead roles. For resources for murder day please request via comment facility on this blog

~ by envisioningutopia on June 30, 2013.

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